Serves 1 Prep time 5 Minutes Cook Time 0 minutes This shake has it all. Nutritious greens, antioxidant-rich berries, and combined with the 10 Day Reset shake and some avocado, you get healthy fats too. This shake will keep you satiated. Ingredients 1 packet 10 Day Reset Shake or 2 scoops (about 2 tablespoons) collagen powder 1 teaspoon pomegranate powder (optional) 1/4 cup frozen zucchini 1/4 cup frozen blackberries 1/4 an avocado 1 cup unsweetened nut milk 1 handful of leafy greens (spinach, kale, arugula) 3 ice cubes Preparation 1 Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Breakfast is the hardest meal of the day for most people. So we took the guesswork out with this formulation. Our Morning Shake includes a combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber to help keep you satiated and energized throughout the day. It combines pea and pumpkin protein with collagen to help support your muscles, joints, hair, skin, and nails. We also included organic Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) and avocado oil powder for healthy fats to boost your mitochondria and brainpower. We added the smallest amount of monk fruit possible to give a palatable taste. This shake is easy to make, requiring just 5 minutes, 1 blender, and 6 simple ingredients. Feel free to play around with ingredients: replace frozen blackberries for any berry you have in your freezer, avocado could be replaced with any preferred nut butter, use any leafy green you have available! Loaded with protein, fiber and healthy fats, this satisfying green smoothie is perfect for a hot summer day inspired breakfast or snack. Nutritional Analysis Per Serving (Includes Pegan Powder and Excludes Pomegranate Powder): Calories: 295, Fat: 17g, Saturated Fat: 5g, Cholesterol: 0 mg, Fiber: 7g, Protein: 19g, Carbohydrates: 19g, Sodium: 398